Friday, July 9, 2010

Bike and Ike, aka Boda and Oda

Polly and I squished ourselves on to a small "Boda Boda" aka motorcycle-taxi.  It was booooring!  So, I decided to buy a bicycle, ride it everyday, and then resell it at the end of the trip.   

I managed to bargain one shop to 125,000 Ush ($55), but at each store, the owner told me that I needed to go to the bike mechanic before riding.  I took the advice and found a bike mechanic who spent 90 minutes tweaking the bike for $5. 

The bike is a single-speed with a small cushion on the back to accommodate a passenger.  However, riding with a Polly is going to require some practice.

As I rode around town, riding a bike for the first time in seven years, I had to adjust to riding on the left side of the road and all the complications an intersection adds.  The traffic in Jinja is relatively calm and slow-moving.

There was an added degree of difficult today because we stayed out at a restaurant until after 10 pm.  FYI, at night time it is dark.  And, I took a new way home.  But, I only got lost once.

Thus far, Polly and I have saved the combined cost of three "Boda Boda" rides (between $1 and $2).  $2 a day for a month is the goal.

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